Compass Points

Tetons to Tucson
For most anyone drawn to knee-deep powder, abundant wildlife populations, and a laid-back rural mountain lifestyle, Teton Valley is one of the easiest places to choose to move to … or, in our case, move back to.

Welcome to the City
While Teton Valley is its own version of paradise, many residents like to hit the city from time to time. For some, this means heading to bustling coastal metropolises or international destinations.

Searching for a Sister
I’ve always appreciated the personal connections we make while traveling. When traveling, we’re exposed to other cultures on an individual scale by seeking out experiences and connection with other people, places, and ways of life.

The Bridges of Teton (and Fremont) County
Until you see its two remarkable, gorge-spanning bridges, the Ashton-Tetonia Trail is slow to reveal its railroad-rich past. Railroad ties, spikes, switch posts, abandoned railcars—evidence of the Teton Valley Branch from more than a century ago—seem strangely absent to the casual observer. The 29.6-mile-long pathway cuts a mostly straight line through open, rolling farmland and […]

From Rookie to River Rat
Thinking about days on the river invokes images of summer: sunglasses, fishing, sandy beaches, wide hats, craggy sun-drenched rock walls. But the trip that hooked Teton Valley author Molly Absolon on a life on the water didn’t start with those things.